Friday, April 22, 2011

Welcome To All!

Hello my brethren:

For a very long time, I have kept diaries, and journals depicting my walk with God. They reflect my daily walk with Him. I had always felt a calling by the Holy Spirit to share my feelings about Him with people, and I hadn't decided to do it until now. Being a Christian goes beyond attending church and listening to a sermon every week. It really is a daily walk, hand-in-hand with God. It is believing His Word to be true, and acting on it! That is really what faith is all about. It is realizing that we cannot do anything unless it's with His help, and understanding that God wants a relationship with us. He is not a God that is interested in what we do for Him.

He is a God that is seeking fellowship with His children. Now, that doesn't mean that at times we may not feel discouraged, or beaten by life's troubles; not at all. It simply means that we do not have to go at it alone. That we have someone who wants to help us and is there always, and won't bail on us when things get tough. I will write this blog because He asked, and I chose to listen; and because I hope to help and encourage you to seek Him with all your heart. I am far from being perfect, as you will witness, but in times where I am hurt, maybe even down a little, I look up and throw myself into the arms if a God that is loving (giving me unconditional love), merciful (forgiving my sins), full of grace (not leaving me nor forsaking me even when I deserve it), and a magnificent comforter (consoling me when I need it the most); not to mention the most powerful being in the universe. 

Join me in giving Him praise and honor for all the works of His hands, and for giving us life in abundance. I love you all in Christ, and hope this is a blessing for you, as He is a blessing for me.

Much love,

Your sister Victoria

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